Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Dali Museum, St. Petersburg (USA), 2

Continuing our visit to St. Pete's Dali museum...

Retrospective Bust of a Woman, 1969; another copy
of the one we saw at MoMA last fall; the original dates
from 1933; Dali apparently thought the American 
expression "bust" was hilarious; also "drawers," on which
he did many a visual pun 
Unusual dorsal view, etc.; note reference to Millett's

Archaeological Reminiscence of Millett's "Angelus," 1934; classic
Surrealist Dali, all kinds of allusions, reverence for Millett...

Telephone in a Dish with Three Grilled Sardines at the End of September,

The Average Bureaucrat, 1930

Profanation of the Host, 1929

The Font, 1930; all kinds of Surrealist-shock stuff
going on here

Girl with Curls, 1926

Portrait of my Sister, 1923

View of Portdogue, 1918-19; Cubist, no?

View of Cadaques from Playa Poal, 1920; finding his
would be a few more years...

Self-Portrait, 1921

Portdogue, again, 1923

Homage to Crick and Watson, 1963 (omitting the longer title);
now into his "scientific" period

A few specimens of his jewelry...Persistence of Memory, 1949

Tristan and Isolde, 1963; as we saw at the castle in
Pubol, Dali was a bit of a Wagner fan

Saint Helena of Port Lligat, 1956; he never tired of painting Gala

The Broken Bridge and the Dream, 1945

Slave Market with Disappearing Bust of Voltaire, 1940; another
double-image deal, emphasizing the irrationalist view of things...
a good place to end; and exit through the gift shoppe

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