Monday, February 17, 2025

Architectural And Other Wonders Of Orlando

With the New Year came Vicki's sister Marie for a week's visit, particularly beneficial for her knowledge of the area: she was a resident in nearby St. Cloud for some years before moving to Knoxville. We undertook a number of excursions to see the sights. 

Some vintage mid-century Florida architecture, Orange World; most
of these tourist traps have failed and the buildings have been abandoned...
but not Orange World...

Our visit to downtown Orlando began as a bus ride, the main purpose
of which was to get our senior citizen discount bus passes at the terminal;
from there we walked to the Lake 

Lots of Deco Echo to look at

Also some arguably real if modest Art Deco 

Orange County; originally, Mosquito County, Marie said

The Catholic cathedral

Actual tympanum on one of the non-Catholic churches

Greek Orthodox
Appropriate frowny-faced Pantokrator

Truly profound juxtaposition of religious symbols

City Christmas tree (no oranges)

On the shore of Lake Eola, Orlando's downtown lake


Even more (dirty, disgusting, filthy, lice-ridden) birds

The flying saucer that crashed here in 1948 (parts of the superstructure
are now at Space Mountain)

More Deco Echo, The Paramount on Lake Eola, with
a welcome Publix; the farthest extent of our walk;
built 2008

Egyptian Deco Echo?

Found nearby

More Echo

More Deco; but enough for us

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