Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Met: Greece

We did the docent-led tour of (ancient) Greek and Roman art, and here I'll post just a few specimens...reserving a separate post for my personal favorite, Cycladic art. The Roman art post will include quite a bit more Greek art, too, since much of classical western art is displayed in one large "study" hall on the second floor.

A kouros, or youth, pre-classical

A griffin

As in this grave marker

Happy 6th century BCE face

Personal favorite, the octopus jar, c. 13th century BCE

Early pilates experimentation

A krater, a ceremonial bowl for mixing water and wine (what?!); this
550BCE specimen depicting Dionysus escorting Hephaistos back
to Mount Olympus (it's a long story)

Name that tune...drinking cup

Said to be one of the more perfect specimens, a singer
with lyre (kithara) in a musical competition

Another musical scene, with muses...

Dish with lid, tempura painting scenes, Greek/Sicilian,
4th century BCE

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