Tuesday, September 10, 2024

London Scenes And Out-Takes, 6

September 3rd was our last day in London, and we conclude our 2024 European campaign with the following...

In a "creative" zone on the south bank

Our one day of heavy rain in London

Sunday roast at Fallow St. James: corn ribs

My rolled pork belly; before the inundation of the Yorkshire pudding

Vicki's traditional roast beast; not pictured: the oyster martini's Rachel
and I had

Fish and chips with Rachel at Poppies

Full Monty

Part of the Conscientious Constructor scheme

Not so sure about the pancakes

HMS Belfast in warship camo scheme

Sic transit, Gloria...food stands on Tower Hill

Pub named for what Tower Hill was better known for...back when

Ever insightful Mr. Pepys

Contemporary sculpture

Go west, young man

My favorite historical marker so far

Medieval depiction of Star Fleet battle cruiser

Contactless busking in Trafalgar Square

A solid block of Italian restos near the National Portrait Gallery;
3 on the other side, too

New style traffic signal

Ugliest building nominee

10% cash back on any purchase at Harrod's...but only if you're Kuwaiti

Swept-back spikes

On the outside of a building in Mayfair

In Whitehall Garden, more beautiful British landscaping

Map-wrapped taxi

Attractive advert

There must be hundreds of these, identifying real places
associated with fictional characters...part of the charm of

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