Wednesday, September 11, 2024

On To New York

On September 3rd United jetted us to Nerk and then a train took us to NYC, where we are spending the balance of September and most of October. We have rented a flat (apppartement? tenement?) on the Upper West Side--Manhattan Valley, more precisely--and have spent the last week mostly moving in, unpacking, sorting, organizing, reconnoitering, getting our senior transit cards, exploring the neighborhood, shopping for essentials, etc. Lidl, Costco, Trader Joe's, Target, Whole Foods, and others have welcomed us, as well as the countless bodegas and other local establishments. Our neighborhood is about as international as one might expect of New York. After months in London and Paris we are experiencing significant culture and sticker shock. (Still asking ourselves, too, how much that would be in dollars.) But that's why we're here, to experience New York. We've been to the Met once and walked a good bit in very nearby Central Park, and also nearby Harlem. Much more will follow. 

We are, as always, the red dot in the exact center


Never mind all the other red dots, look at the left of exact center; that's
where we are, 127 W. 106 St., closest to Columbus Ave., two blocks
from Central Park

Our apartment building; too old and weary for a 5th
floor walk-up, we are on the 1st floor, back side of the

Strolling through Central Park

Follower of an old friend in the Met...

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Good to know you made it and are settling in!