Sunday, September 29, 2024

Feast Of St. Gennaro, Little Italy

On September 21st, temporarily museum-ed out, we did the St. Gennaro Feast Day in Little Italy. It was simply the longest street party we have yet seen, a dozen or more (lots more) blocks along Mulberry St., pretty far down the island. 90% of it was food, and 90% of that was Italian food, which is certainly among our favorites cuisines. It was a Saturday, a beautiful day, the 98th edition of the Feast, and Mulberry St. was elbow-to-elbow most all the way. 

As far as the eye can see...

St. Gennaro Himself; patron saint of Naples and of
Little Italy

Among the many, many famous TV shows we have never seen

Can't be a gangsta without your stogie

And not Italian, too

Super-fresh sugar cane juice (note machine)...childhood memories
from Miami...

Looking the other way, still as far as the eye can see

Healthy treats...sugar-coated fruit


A bit crowded

State fair fare in addition to the Italiana; FWIW, I had a sausage
sandwich with onions and peppers and a beer...all for just $25;
Vicki had the funnel cake

Italian pashminas

Very famous, I was told

At the saint's own booth

Handy bowl for mixing your cheese and pasta

We happen to know that in Big Italy this is not what you get when
you ask for peperoni...

Cross a boulevard and you have space-warped into

Street scene: the lady on the left is holding a printed catalog of items
she can sell you...Apple phones, designer purses, watches, etc., all
at significant discounts...

No saints here, but they do have Dr. Sun Yat-Sen

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