Friday, August 20, 2021

Camden Market, 1

After our disappointment at Portobello, we wanted to try another London market. There are, of course, many to choose from. Bloomsbury, where our flat is, is in Camden Borough, and Camden Town, a mile up the road, has one of the better known markets. Descriptions we read suggested it was not antiques-oriented. Actually, as we found, it is rather eclectic and youth-oriented, at least relative to us. But we thought it would be interesting and so on Saturday, August 14, we gave it a try. It turned out to be one of our best London experiences, indeed, possibly, our best "shopping" experience ever...which is saying something considering the great variety of markets we have done over the years, starting in China and India, the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, and so on. The Camden Market is London's 4th largest visitor attraction, at 250,000 per week, and I'd say, if you're visiting, make sure it's on your list, preferably on the weekend. Most of what's there is in the extensive former horse stables and hospital. Camden was a transportation hub from the early 19th century into the mid-20th; a  nexus of roads, railroads, and the Regent's Canal, brought food, goods and raw materials from the north into the city. Until the 20th, much of this was done by horse, hauling wagons or towing barges on the canal. But I digress. Let the pix speak.

First sight upon getting off the bus...let's see:
what kind of market is this?

As we soon discerned, the stores and cafes and such in Camden
have a very different look

And we learned many new and interesting terms,
like "CyberGoth," which are not in the Michelin
Green Guide

Small craft shops on both sides of alley; in accordance with our
previous market experience, except in Madrid, we got there early,
alas, too early for some of these shops

Just opening

"Our Founder"

At the "Dirty Vegan" restaurant

At "Rudy's 100% Vegan as F--k" restaurant

Now in the horse stables area

A mannequin; I think

Stables area

This shop available

Now entering the vintage clothes hall; best we have seen, ever,

Vintage everything, actually

Now back into a more conventional retail alley...the Egypt shop

An Italian tuk-tuk converted into a a wood-burning pizza oven
caught our attention

Credible Neapolitan pizza; we later had lunch there; the menu
says "please don't ask for chicken or pineapple pizza"

Elephant pants, just like in Thailand; and baggy pants, just like in
Turkey; some vintage, some not

Hats of every description

The Town Crier, who circulates and obviously
enjoys his job, which is to make sure everyone is
having a good time

Dining pods outside one of the restos

In one of the antiques areas


Tawana said...

Looks like a fun place.

Rebecca said...

I haven't been to Camden since college--definitely will go next time!