Monday, July 29, 2019

Walpole St. Peter, 2

Continuing our visit to the "Queen of the Marshlands," St. Peter's in Walpole.
East end glass, not terribly old, but nice

A griffin in the quire

A dozen 14th century paintings of saints before the altar

On the south (starboard) aisle, these pews, facing the main section...strangely

But nice carving

Candidly, there were droppings everywhere, concentrated mostly in the chancel;
does survival of the species mean that every @#$%&? individual has to survive?!
Why not build a few bat-houses? I would not permit my children to enter this building...


To the greater glory, etc.

So, I thought He [sic] created the whole @#$%&@# universe;
so why is this little bat-shit-infested acre holy? Just sayin'

Outside, here's the chancel, rising up...notice how the windows get smaller...
anyhow, lower right is the "bolt-hole," a covered passage-way beneath the
altar; speculation has it there was an important processional path around this
way, and they didn't want to move it with the building of the extended chancel 

Inside the Decorated bolt-hole, 10 or 12 bosses, etc.; prior to 1348, these people
didn't do anything on the cheap

The usual...

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