Monday, July 29, 2019

Peckover House And Wisbach

Peckover House was another that did not spark joy. In fact it was at this point we began to re-assess our goal of seeing all the National Trust's estates and houses and gardens. Nonetheless, the compact gardens at Peckover were of interest, there was a special exhibit on Mr. Peckover's book collecting, and an especially interesting exhibit of book art by one of the volunteers. The Peckovers were a prosperous Georgian merchant family that rose to some eminence in the 1800s. After the house and gardens, we spent another hour or so in Wisbach, mostly looking at the numerous charity shoppes.

From the garden

Family travels

Late 15th century book of Ptolymaic maps

Peckover library...widely dispersed at auction, much being reassembled for an

And the book art, by one of the volunteers; pretty interesting, we thought

Into Wisbach and the River Nene

Low tide

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

That book art is just fabulous! Some of the best folded pages art I've seen.