Sunday, June 18, 2017

Camino Santiago Portuguese, 7: Padron To A Picarana

The penultimate day was a somewhat shorter hike, to within 10 miles of Santiago, to the hostel Glorioso in the village of A Picarana...
Smelling the roses as we leave Padron

A village lavandaria (washateria); every village had one, sometimes
two, towns would have several or many; all still functional, that is,
water running in and out and generally quite sanitary; but no one using
them; not surprisingly

The only detour we encountered

As I said, everything made of granite

And here is one of the many places we saw where such things are fabricated...
marble or granite

Note they're all sitting...uncharacteristically

Easily within 30k of Santiago, here is the first we've seen of the Rules of the

"Put papers in the trash bins, stay on the trail, speak quietly,
take  photos, say hello; don't pick the plants, no fires"; in
Portugal,  it was "Bom Camino," in Spain, "Buen Camino";
I had a trail name all picked out...PortuGeezer...but no one
ever asked; Vicki did not like PortuCrone

Relatively speaking, we enjoyed great weather on our Camino; temps in the 70s,
then lower 80s, rain only on this penultimate day; by the time we returned to Vila
Nova de Cerveira, the temps were reaching the 90s...and beyond

Interesting old church near A Picarana

Table mat map at the Glorioso restaurant, all the Caminos
converging on Santiago

And the Camino Portuguese, all the places we have been
in the past 7 days

The one really awful meal we had on the Camino was at a place called Milagrosa,
in A Picarana; the salad was OK, but the frites were fried in rancid oil and the
advertised pork loin was Spam

Vicki's hamburguesa was even worse; she put it down without a bite and left;
as the grill artiste in Bucharest said, "some dog, some cat, some garlic, some
rat"; TripAdvisor will hear of this; I will readily concede, however, not many
people do the Camino for the food; if you do, maybe best to eat in the larger
towns and cities; methinks

The accused

Down the highway (which the Camino follows), the Glorioso on the right, and its
hostel on the left; actually pretty nice double room, en suite, 40E; and the salade
Nicoise for lunch was decent (although they didn't call it that)

Prostitution is legal in Spain, and all along the Camino I had been wondering
to myself whether we'd see a prostitute on the trail (you see them on secondary
roads all over the country, at intersections, sitting in lawn chairs under
umbrellas); I wondered also whether they would stamp your credencial ("Rosa
Prostituta, June 14, 2017, Gracias por su visita"); and whether the cathedral
authority in Santiago accepts such stamps toward the compostela? Between the
two Glorioso properties was La Dama Del Lago, a dance club of sorts from
which no music was emitted and whose patrons tended to park behind the
building out of sight... sadly, I forgot to knock on the door and ask about
stamping my credencial...many mysteries will remain from our Camino


Tawana said...

La Dama Del Lago? Interesting? We did learn that you should not put one of the Camino stamps on your passport. The TSA authorities frown on that!

Rebecca said...

PortuGeezer--hahahahaha! That's actually hilarious. :)