Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sagrada Familia Interior

The next day promised more foul weather, so we stayed close to home, me exploring nearby Matamor, Vicki staying in the campground. But on the 5th we ventured back into Barcelona, having purchased online tickets for the Temple Gaudi, and finally did the grand tour of the nascent church. We had decided not to do the interior back in 2010, since it sounded like much work was still going on inside. But by 2013, after the consecration by the now Pope Emeritus, it looks pretty finished. And pretty much as promised.
Nave; packed; it's really not that large a
church, bow to stern

Ceiling; you're supposed to think you're in a forest...

Typical of the many windows; more about
effect-lighting than Biblical story-telling

Dome above the altar; the guy understood
lighting, for sure

Altar: Jesus parapente

Clerestory (?)

Stairways to the heights; there are to be four
choirs and four organs

St. Darth...

Now in the workshop/crypts: cad-cam model
making for the craftsmen above

And in the crypt/museum: the church as it
was in 1926 when Gaudi died: the Nativity
face and the four Evangelists' towers

Gaudi funeral procession; an old man, living
on the construction site, he was hit by a tram
and died 3 days later; dressed as a tramp, no
taxi drivers would carry him to a hospital; he
was not recognized until near death; major
take-aways here: always look both ways;
never dress as a tramp

Crypt view

In the cloister, the Temptation of Man, with
an anarchist's bomb...

Back inside, a last look, up

And around; in addition to one of the larger gift shoppes in
Christendom, there also were...hey, careful man, there's a
beverage here...machines

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