I spent the day--all day in rain, sometimes torrential--taking in Bayreuth, Wahnfried, the Festspielhaus, all the ambience I could soak up without getting further soaked.
Wahnfried, Wagner's home in Bayreuth, now the Richard
Wagner Museum; fittingly, one is greeted by a bust of
King Ludgwig II, who footed the bill; the museum is
incredbily extensive, not just of Wagner, but of the Festival
and its history, productions, directors, conductors (there
was an exhibit on Toscanini), and singers
The Museum has a no-pix policy, but I did clandestinely
grab this one looking down upon the great hall
Grave of Richard and Cosima
View of Wahnfried from the park
The drive up the hill to the Festspielhaus is one of the most
beautifully-landscaped I have seen
The park presided over by a larger-than-life
bust of Cosima (she too was larger than life)
The Festspielhaus
The balcony from which three trumpeters
traditionally announce the beginning of the
next act
Me, actually inside the Festspielhaus; the day's
performance, Lohengrin, was still an hour or two
away; I wandered around, trying my best to appear
in need of a ticket; but none appeared; alas, I had
left my tux back in Missoula anyway; I repaired to
the festival restaurant for a coffee and for
self-examination and self-recrimination: if only I
had practiced the piano more! But it was still cool to
be in a special place at a special time.
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