Friday, August 27, 2010

Old New Synagogue

Prague's Jewish Quarter, the Josefov, is one of Europe's oldest and largest and includes many historic sites.
Not least of which is the Old New
Synagogue, Europe's oldest surviving

Built in the 13th century, small but identifiably Gothic in
architecture; only very slightly enlarged and remodeled
from that time

More interior

Sanctum sanctorum, so to speak

Still more interior

Slits cut in the thick wall so the women-folk could peer in

Medieval donation box

Flag in the shape of the hats Jews were forced to wear

Another, younger synagogue

With clocks

We're still pondering this one, although it is clear the
woman on the right is listening to an iPod

A glimpse into the old Jewish cemetery,
where some 100,000 are buried, under
12,000 headstones; they were allotted very
little space

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