Saturday, October 31, 2009

Winchester Cathedral II

"You could have done something
But you didn't try
You didn't do nothing
You let her walk by

"Now everyone knows just how much I needed that gal
She wouldn't have gone far away
If only you'd started ringing your bell"

We did both the general cathedral tour and the crypt tour at Winchester, both very fine presentations.
Everything you see in the nave and choir
areas is perpendicular or Gothic; but when
you get to the transepts, here, the north one,
it is still the original 12th century Norman
Romanesque; not "updated"; the reason
being that the central tower fell down in
the 13th century, and there were,
consequently, higher priorities....

In the crypt, here, you begin to get some insight: every
spring, the crypt floods, knee-deep; it turns out the whole
thing has serious foundation problems; really serious
foundation problems

Consequently, and unlike most cathedrals, the crypt at
Winchester is used only for spare parts

In the first several years of the 20th century, this man,
William Walker, a diver, spent six hours a day beneath
the foundations of Winchester Cathedral, replacing
rotted oak and heather with cement, saving the great
cathedral; "by his hand alone"

Still, in the south aisle, the floor and wall
don't look exactly perpendicular; I was glad
to get to the gift shoppe...

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