Sunday, July 26, 2009

66 Degrees, 33 Minutes, Norway

Our drive north July 16 continued on to the Arctic Circle, 66°33', a major European destination. The terrain there is a higher, tree-less plain, about what one would expect for the Arctic Circle. There is a large visitor center and many commemorative monuments. After pix and shopping at the gift store, we drove on.

Our northering instinct was only encouraged by getting this far. We proceeded on to Bodo. Rather than turning back--we had originally not intended to go as far north as Trondheim--we had decided to do the Lofoton islands, another 3 star destination. I knew of them from my WWII reading--Lord Louis Mountbatten's Commandos conducted raids there in 1941--and the Michelin rated them very highly. Stunning, breath-taking, etc. Michelin was right.
Welcome to the Arctic Circle, farthest north we have been

Us at the official monument, in front of the visitor center

The monument text


Our satnav was unimpressed

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