Thursday, June 1, 2017


We drove on to another hill-top town, Belmonte, and its beautiful little municipal aire de camping-cars. The next morning we toured the pleasant little town.
Among the many sculptures in Belmonte, this, "honoring our
pastoral origins," I think it said

Belmonte's castle

Chapels nearby

Among other things, Belmonte is noted for
being the birthplace of Pedro Cabral, who
"discovered" Brazil and thus made Portugal
a very wealthy country, for a time; here I am
posing as Cabral

The real Cabral...

View from the castle grounds

Part of some interpretive signage, notably a) the bit on the
left about the castle tour in this region and b) an explanation
of trail signage, which we will need to observe in a week or so

Pretty landscaping all around

And patios

Older buildings

Civic places and spaces

When Spain expelled its Jews in 1492, many came to
Portugal, and Belmonte in particular; there are several
memorials, museums, and so on; not many years later,
however, the Portuguese Inquisition arrived
("Nobody expects the Portuguese Inquisition!"), with
the same results for the Jews as in Spain

Belmonte was notable too for several of its antiques shoppes,
with much interesting stuff

A real Chiparus? 3500E they were asking

Infestation of swallows

Public facilities

Much public space, sculpture

The aire, actually another public park, playground, etc., with
parking for 4 RVs; the facilities included showers, BBQ,
picnic tables, water and sanitation, all just a few minutes' walk
to the town center; and free

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