Friday, October 11, 2024

The Met: India

Doing pretty much all of the Met's Asian art in one day was probably a hall or gallery too far for us, but, for some reason, we persevered, we pressed on, persisted, plugged away, perhaps thinking we'd be back. Maybe we will. I took the usual pix, but somehow not the usual accompanying I have had to make up my own. [Please note, as the foregoing 4,000 posts show, anything religious here is fair game...]. Our visit to the sex temples of Khajuraho in 2008 also may well have affected our appreciation of the sub-continent's arts. Nevertheless...

Click to enlarge for insight

Statue of Liberty pose

Early Anne Boleyn pose 

St. Christopher

Click to enlarge to see an architectural frieze with mermen playing
musical instruments, 2nd century; mermen!

Super hero deity: the cape is a total give-away; actually a large
metal Buddha icon, north India, 7th; interesting representation
of divine sexuality

Said to be a phallic thing; "ooooo", "ick" she seems to
be saying...

Unusual dorsal view

Head scratcher (slashes through ignorance); Kashmiri style

Really into multiple limbs and other things

Conehead prototype

Breastplate of the Spirit Deity Jumadi; 20th century,
worn by shamanic priests (priestesses?); possibly somewhere
other than India, but culturally close

Ever noticed how dogs and their owners come to look alike?

Electrifying yoga pose

Dynamic Duo 

Gothic Buddhess? 


Jewel casket, ivory, 17th, Sri Lanka

Ceiling of a reconstructed temple, carved wood, too many
steps to climb up to...impressive even from afar, however

Memories of Khajuraho...

What other blogs don't show you

Votive offering to fertility goddess

Very intricate earrings; earplugs, I mean

Swiss Army deity; okay, I think maybe we need a do-over for
the India collection; alternatively, you can see all 6,997 objects
yourself here

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