Thursday, October 3, 2024

New York Public Library

It's one of the great libraries of the world and a must-see for anyone with intellectual or bookish interests. And especially for a retired librarian like Vicki. We did the official tour and then the tour of the NYPL Treasures (next post).

Vicki waving from the steps

Still one of the world's largest marble buildings

One of the more ornate water fountains ever; alas,
fed by lead pipes; don't drink the water

Helpful model in the visitor center...just the research library...the
less famous main circulating library is across the the street...then 
there are the nearly 60 branch libraries...

Peering into the maps library

Nice ceiling treatments throughout

Now in the main reading room

Important quote from Milton

Main reading room, north


Blind Milton Dictating Paradise Lost to His Daughters, Mihaly
Munkacsy, in the Salomon reading room; lots of art throughout

Among the few old card catalogs

Now in the periodicals reading room, adorned with
paintings of all the old NYC periodicals publishing, the old NY Times building

Absolutely the only person I saw reading an actual book

Still in the periodicals room, "City Hall and Publishers Row"

Outside now, looking at the two lions that guard the library entrance;
here, Fortitude...

And here Patience; both named by Mayor LaGuardia during the

Virtues as needed now as then, facing the onslaught of Republican
book-banners and book-burners

The library complex sits in or astride Bryant Park,
named for William Cullen Bryant...of Thanatopsis 
fame...poet, newspaper editor, is his monument
in the park

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