Thursday, October 10, 2024

Flashing Back To The 80s In Japan

In late November of 1983--in my first month's employment in the president's office at SMU--Vicki and I traveled with the senior administration to attend the Mirage Bowl in Tokyo, and then stayed another week with the president and provost and others as guests of sister university Kwansei Gakuin, near Osaka and Kyoto. Whether hosted by the Mirage Bowl or by KGU, we were the beneficiaries of legendary Japanese hospitality. There is no way we could ever top that visit. Plus there was a football game.

View from our hotel room

At the Mirage Bowl, even more pageantry than an American football
bowl game

Our cottage at the inn near Kyoto

Vicki by the water feature; scenes like this led to our trying our
own hands at Japanese gardening...alas, the soils and climate of
Dallas are very different from those of Edo and Kyoto...

Autumn in the garden

At a palace

"I'll drink to that!"

Eating very fresh lobster at the all-lobster restaurant in Osaka; among
quite a few memorable incidents from that trip; this occasion gave
new and special meaning to the expression "live lobster"

At the sushi bar after the honorary degree ceremony; I was seated
between Vicki and the dean of international education, both unwilling
to eat raw fish, trying to cover for them and not offend our hosts...

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