Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Sagrada Familia, 2023: School And Museum

 After the towers, we did the school and museum, and, of course, the gift shop...

In 1906, with work well underway, Gaudi established a school on
the construction site premises, for the children of the workers

Helpful model, with undulating Gaudian would be until
the later 20th century that Friedensreich Hundertwasser would add
an undulating floor to the mix (helpful architectural insight) 

Classroom; note non-Modernista desks and benches

Undulating roof

In the museum now, a helpful chronology of the construction

OK, so, see, it was the Spiritual Association of
the Devotees of St. Joseph...

Helpful model #11,377, an early model

Among Gaudi's earlier sketches...

Early floor plan to enlarge

Example of tubular bells used in the temple

Re-creation of Gaudi's office; it was all destroyed, along with many
of his papers and designs, in the Civil War (Sherman's March to the 
Sea...wait, no...)

Helpful model #11,378, along with self-portrait of
the photographer

Re-creation of one of Gaudi's design models

More helpful models

Workshop where all the helpful models come from

Photograph of procession for the 2010 consecration of
the temple, featuring whomever was the pope then

All the chief architects who have worked on Sagrada Familia; so far

Actually the tienda was pretty good, as well it should be; among
the three best, Battlo, MNAC, and Sagrada Familia

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Everything about Sagrada Familia is so interesting.