Thursday, April 27, 2023

Casa Calvet And La Monumental

Our day of recovery, after the ascent and descent of the Sagrada Familia tower, included a couple short walks, one to see Casa Calvet, another of the Gaudi-designed houses, and La Monumental, Barcelona's main (former) bullfighting ring. Any walk in Barcelona will happen by ever more architectural beauties, so there were a few more of those too.

Casa Calvet, one of Gaudi's mature works...but it
was in a nice, refined neighborhood, and the
proprietor, a textile manufacturer, told him to
tone it down...

Certainly nothing at all like Casa Battlo, etc., but still pretty nice



The main floor is now a pretty nice Chinese 
restaurant, and it features some of the original

We were tempted, but had just finished two nights
of Chinese...
On the building exterior
Next door, another beauty

And another

A school in the neighborhood, gearing up for...

St. Geoge's day...the day of books and roses...a subsequent post

Only a few blocks from our apartment, La Monumental, Barcelona's
major bullfighting venue

Catalonia banned bullfighting in 2010, and La Monumental now
hosts rock concerts and such; the other bullfighting venue, the
Arena, at Placa Espana, is now a shopping mall

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Such beautiful buildings...