Thursday, September 22, 2022

To Alexanderplatz And Back Home

From the Galeries Lafayette we turned and walked on through the downtown, past the Ritter store, across Museum Island, to Alexanderplatz, the landmark home of the TV tower, shopping centers, markets, and more, but mostly shopping centers. It was a brilliant early fall Saturday afternoon, and the crowds were out everywhere. Many, many steps, but a fitting last day.

French cathedral (according to Google Lens)

Humboldt Forum, on Museum Island

Workers of the world, unite; but stay within the wall

Wild Matilde's Cafe

St. Nikolai Church, c. 1230

Among the many Little Bear monuments

The Allegory of Science or, the Dude reading the SoCal Bowling
League Rules on "over the line!"

Old City Hall

Rot Rathaus, current city hall

Let the shopping begin!

Also some rescue archaeology (to make way for more shopping

Street scene (courthouses)

Inside the vast Alexa shopping center, a whole hall devoted to
"young fashion"

Pretzel sandwiches

If there were trees growing out of the asphalt and concrete, you
could call it a bier garten; thousands of people, drinking, shopping
at the craft market, etc.

Another shopping center

Ever more German food; wish we'd stopped here for dinner,
but we had a fridge of food to finish back at the apartment

Passing through Hackescher Martkt and its beautiful station

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Looks like everybody was out drinking and having a fun time on a good weather day. I was surprised at the English "Young Fashion" sign in the mall.