Friday, September 16, 2022

Berlin Wall

After Prenzlauer Berg we walked back home via the mile-long Berlin Wall monument...roughly, the "no man's land" along a course of the Wall that features a host of displays and landmarks. A sad place, though there are many in Germany and throughout Europe. The Wall resonates with us since it occurred entirely in our life-times and was part of the evening news from 1961 on until 1989...except when Kennedy's assassination, the Vietnam war, the moon landing, Nixon's impeachment, or other things weren't top of the fold. I well remember 1989 because some of our neighbors in Dallas were German, and they rushed back to Berlin to get a piece of the Wall.

The course of one of the many tunnels under the Wall

Perhaps the most famous of many photos

Guard tower remains?

More tunnels
When a church was located in the expanding no-man's-land,
the East Germans just blew it up

New memorial church on the same spot
Berlin Wall Memorial Museum

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Activities at "The Wall" were often on the evening news. History in the making during our lifetime for sure.