Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Cahors Scenes, 1

Scenes from our walks around Cahors...June 26th-June 30th...

Market day

Not that far from Spain, and the cork hats, purses, accessories are
at every market


Contortionist chicken; interesting presentation

In the covered market

Typical historic center construction...huge portals,
mullioned windows...

Medieval alleys

Lavoir, old public laundry washing area

Ghost sign

Interesting construction...some stone, some brick,
some Roman or Toulouse brick...

We're resting in a square, when arrives a peregrino, asking us
directions; "buon Camino" is about all we can respond

The Camino shoppe was around the corner; I hope he found it

Local hero, Leon Gambetta, 19th century statesman

Automated butcher shop


No kidding

What will they think of next?

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Great photos of the markets...and the self-serve butcher shop!