Monday, June 27, 2022

Louvre, 2022

Art history is one of Penelope's areas of study at home, and, though not previously described as a museum kid, she spent four hours with us at the Louvre, taking lots of pix herself, and then another hour in the Louvre gift mall, stimulating the French economy (she has saved for months for this trip). A good day's work, especially after the fullest of days at Disney. PS. I have blogged about the Louvre an embarrassing number of times. Just enter "Louvre" in the search box to the right...

Lots of pix of things she recognized; I loaned
her my phone for much of the visit; this, in retrospect,
may not have been wise, but it kept her interested

Same model as you know who?

When her interest flagged, we could always talk about
Louvre Loonies

One of Mr. Fruity Butt Pants' biggest hits

Breaks and snacks also were welcome

Among the many selfies; still processing the symbolism

Take the picture already!

Most of the pix P took were of the royal jewels and
other such precious stuff in the Apollo Hall; a couple
hundred pix, seriously

Here the merest sample

In the David Hall, one of her favorites (ours too)
Elizabeth-Louis Vigee Le Brun's self-portrait with
her daughter

With Grandma and Venus

One day was not enough; on Monday they went out again to see
the Egyptian stuff; Grandma's "Friends of the Louvre" membership
has proved quite useful

Alas, not all that many mummies at the Louvre;
there are enough at the BM to populate a small
village, however

Great Louvre visits!

1 comment:

Tawana said...

What a great experience for Miss P!