Friday, June 24, 2022

Interim Update #1,268: In France

The blog is hopelessly behind, I know. Sic semper. We're in Sarlat-la-Canéda, the Dordogne, now, and have been here a week. Before that we were ten days in Paris, all of which were busy because a) it's Paris, and b) we were joined for most of the time by grand-daughter Penelope. She's eleven now, a bundle of energy, old enough to remember Paris and to be impressed. (Not her first visit.) Plus, she's fluent in French, and was happy to serve as our interpreter in exchange for a trip to Disney Paris. We (Vicki) readily agreed. In any case, the next several posts will concern Paris, mostly Penelope in Paris, since I blogged about Paris extensively less than a year ago. 

We did not do anything particularly new during Penelope's visit, except maybe Versailles, which we hadn't done since 2014, and a church or two. We just wanted to show her our favorite city. Our apartment this time was in the Marais, 4th Arrondissement, even closer in than our previous appart on Rue Saint-Denis. We mostly walked to various destinations in the city, occasionally hopping a bus or the Metro/RER for longer journeys. Among things we did were the Carnavalet museum, the Marais neighborhood, BHV and Samaritaine (department stores), St. Merry church, the Bastille market, Les Halles, St. Eustache church, Mollard's (for our 54th wedding anniversary dinner), Disney Paris, the Louvre (twice), Versailles, selected sights on the Rive Gauche, Galeries Lafayette, and, by night, sort of, the Champs de Mars and the Tour Eiffel. Grandma and Grandpa needed several days off after Paris with Penelope.

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