Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Paris Scenes, 2

More not entirely random scenes from our various walks around...

Vicki was running dangerously low on scones and
clotted cream and so we walked up to the Grevin
Marks and Spencer, which was located actually
off the Passage Grevin, one of the better covered 
arcades in the city, one we had visited before...
much nice 19th century stuff

At the Pizzeria Zola, the pizza of the week...
the Proust..."all them memories come floodin' back"

Said to be the only thing in the world that makes Madame Tussaud
look good

At a nearby print store...she'll be inducted into the
Pantheon, only the 6th woman, November 30th;
the highest honor any French person can receive
here, my favorite Paris song...

A boutique in the Marais; Princess Tam Tam was perhaps her
best known movie

The Rue de Petit Carreaux, a lively street from here in the
2nd nearly all the way to the river; changes its name to Rue
Montorgueil after a few blocks; muy famoso

Interesting eel presentation at a fish market

1780 patisserie

"At a house on this site"...lived Moliere, the great playwright

Sad/hopeful view across the river

The other view hasn't changed

Everywhere you turn, beautiful Art Nouveau
buildings, this on the Boulevard Haussmann

Lionel Messi, greatest footballer ever, will soon play for the Paris
team; people are excited

We didn't know what it was until Vicki asked...President Macron's
residence on the Champs Elysees; not pictured: the 40 or so police
vans surrounding the compound

Me doing Duolingo at a cafe...so French!

1 comment:

Tawana said...

So glad you are seeing the sights and enjoying Paris!