Friday, September 10, 2021

London Out-Takes, 3


"What? You destroyed my Lamborghini?!"

Vicki is using Google Translate for menus in English now

Tow car for our new RV

Excellent source of potassium

What ? Your town doesn't have an Alice store?

Maybe it's a parody...

It's not easy being green

In the U of London; what were they called before they were

Line to get into Waterstone's

The Group was in a league by itself

Chiropractic pop-up?

You are being watched

Unusual land-view of Tower Bridge

Permanent ghost sign

Lest you think the United States has a complete monopoly on
morons and assholes...there are a few over here

Motorized cycles OK

British Good Humor truck

Sic transit, Gloria; word is Hilton has made on offer on the 
Houses of Parliament, but they're competing with a group out
of Dubai... 

So true

There's a construction site every block or so in London and many
of the constructors proudly show this sign; see considerate
 for their further thoughts on considerations

British wit

More Arcimboldo

Caius Julius Augustus consulting Google Maps as he leads
the tenth Legion ever onward

Clever book display at the British Museum bookstore, brilliantly
illustrating the principle of the arch...


Having seen these, and having seen the Thames, we have been
drinking filtered water

Parting thought, as we embark for Paris

1 comment:

Tawana said...

You definitely need Google Translate for that sandwich menu!