Thursday, February 15, 2018

Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre, 3

But wait, there's more. In a separate hangar is a collection of WWII fighters, some on loan (and some for sale), of interest. All are late models, and the Stuka (I think) is a reconstructed replica. As in "Knights of the Sky," "Dangerous Skies" tells many stories through many media, all impressive.
True story: 1940, the Brit pilot parachuted to safety, landing square in the middle
of a garden party going on in Kent; the doctor depicted offers him a drink after
attending to his minor injuries; guest of honor; he was stunned some weeks later
to receive a bill for her services

"His" Hawker Hurricane, depicted after he had parachuted to safety; personally,
I felt the Hurricane should have been presented with more dignity: Hurricanes,
not Spitfires, accounted for 80% of the kills in the Battle of Britain

Much in the way of apparel, accoutrements, paraphrenalia

And posters

Avro reconnaissance plane

Late model Curtis-Wright P-40; a favorite, though it was not
a star of the war

Mainly because of a boyhood infatuation with the Flying Tigers, a John Wayne
movie; interest in such things lead me eventually to libraries and books, so it
is not an altogether bad thing; it wasn't long before I learned what a patriot/
scoundrel Claire Chennault was; my interest waned...

A reconstructed/replica Stuka, the famous German dive bomber that terrorized
Europe from the Spanish Civil War on

The Jericho Trumpets (propellers) clearly in view on the landing gear

And, the pride of the show, a Spitfire

Great museum!

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Oh, what an interesting place. My dad was in New Zealand during the War.