Among the sights in Rome I had wanted to see, but never quite made it to, were the
Scala Sancti, the Holy Stairs, brought back from Jerusalem by St. Helen, Constantine's mom, during one of her Mediterranean cruises. In 326 AD, to be precise. These are the stairs leading up to Pontius Pilate's palace, which Jesus ascended in order to be judged. And then descended. This is
Golden Legend stuff, one assumes, but still one of those things one
has to see.... Anyhow, they are just across the piazza from SS Johns Lateran, and despite the ongoing deluge, I was determined to see them.
Ever since we walked past them in the darkness
of our last evening in Rome, November, 2013,
I had thought these were the Holy Stairs;
wrong! they are just some stairs leading up
to some sort of papal palace of yore; the true
Scala Sancti are on the other side of the
building, which we discovered only toward
the end of our outing |
In the Holy Stairs building, pondering an
assortment of stairs |
Ascendant selfie |
The true official story of the Sancta Scala; like all the rest of
the relics, saints, demi-gods, etc., they are walking it back
a bit... |
Looking down the upstairs |
Pilgrims crawling up the substitute Holy Stairs |
For extra credit, climb on your hands only |
The rest of the story |
Save the Stairs! |
Photo of a photo of the real Holy Stairs, now
being renovated; good enough for me |
Still in the Lateran area, across from our bus stop, a great old octagonal building, reminiscent of baptistries we've seen in other cities |
Sure enough, in which more confirmations are going on |
Maybe next time |
And just up the street, a quadruple arch building...Rome's wonders are limitless |