Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sanliurfa Bazaar

Sanliurfa has a nice, manageable bazaar, much of which was constructed in Suleiman the Great's time. We are looking for a bumper sticker that says, in Turkish, "this vehicle stops at all bazaars."
Sanliurfa Bazaar interior

Pashmina Paradise

Sparklette material store; although you couldn't tell from
this, the favored color, hereabouts, is purple/lavender

Another dress style one sees, rather more in the cities, is the
trench coat look--the trench coat babes--here we are in the
trench coat district

Spice store

Assembly-line bakery

Baggy pants

We ate at a chicken doner kebab place somewhere deep in
the bazaar

Best $1.40 lunch we've had, great sandwich,
all the fixins', yogurt milk to wash it down, and
you get to sit on the tiny chairs and smile at
all the double-taking passers-by

A better view of the Sanliurfa citadel

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sanliurfa: Golbasi

We found the Golbasi sight, at the foot of Sanliurfa's citadel, parked there, and spent a few hours in the environs, the pools from which Abraham was saved from King Nimrod (Nemrut) and the cave of Abraham's birth. All this, needless to say, is holy ground for the Abrahamic religions, although some--Christians--appear to claim that the Ur (SanliURfa) where all this happened was the Sumerian Ur, some hundreds of miles south of here, at the bottom of Iraq. Quite a different story. We are going with the Muslim interpretation, attempting to navigate carefully between the Charybda of religion and the Scylla of tradition. Nevermind history.
Golbasi is a beautiful public park, below the citadel, adjoining the bazaar, and 
containing a variety of holy sites; the pool (um, reconstructed) in which, 
according to tradition, Abraham was saved from the wrath of Nimrod

Clothing is really different in southern Turkey, especially as 
one gets closer to Arab culture; the women all wore these
sparkling sequined dresses--sparklettes, we called them--and 
the men the "baggy" pants

Sparklettes posing in the Rose Garden; the one on the right had just removed her 

At a shop in Golbasi: if your eyes are the only thing that are going to show, 
make the most of it!

Entrance to the Cave of Abraham (where he was born), the Abraham Mosque, 
with the Citadel and its Roman columns in the background

Entrance to the Cave (men's: I had the camera and really wish I could have taken 
a picture of Vicki in the garb she wore to get in the women's side); we felt very 
privileged to be allowed in this place--no one said a word, no one raised an 
eyebrow, despite the fact we plainly are tourists, and most of the others are there 
on pilgrimage; everyone kissed the sign above the door; everyone collected a bit 
of  water from the spring; many prayed; Muslims, at least here in Turkey, are very 
generous with their sites

Abraham's Cave

Holy water

Patience of Job

At length, we figured out that TomTom's spelling of Turkish place-names is not always the same as Turkey's, and, without much further ado, having made the relevant adjustments, we made our way straightforwardly into Sanliurfa, to see the Abrahamic and other sites. First up was the Cave of Job. I'll let the signage do the explaining.
This is the kind of signage we are working with, although,
most times, it gets better; "and in English too"

Staircase down to the Cave of Job

Cave of Job

Kiosk above Cave of Job; note curious

Promised explanatory signage

There is a mosque by the Cave of Job, and a beautiful

Job's Well signage

The Well

The Mosque



Me getting sprinkled by water from the well of the cave of
Job; we would have lingered but were impatient to get on to
the Abrahamic sites

Friday, October 22, 2010


Driving south now, in the Fertile Crescent, toward Syria (we got as far as the border town of Akcakale; we had no Syrian visae; but someday I really do want to see Petra, in nearby Jordan), we had planned on visiting the Abrahamaic sites in Sanliurfa, then driving on to further such sites in Harran. We had some navigational and linguistic problems in Sanliurfa, ended up walking around the downtown a bit, dropping by the archaeological museum, but we were not where we wanted to be, nor did we have any reasonable clues about getting there. Or parking, etc. So we resolved to drive on to smaller and more manageable Harran, see it, and regroup. Harran is mentioned in the Bible. It is the place where Abraham and his brood were living when God commanded him to go forth and find Canaan; and establish a new people; etc. Harran has a few interesting sites, but it is a rather squalid place, and, were I Abraham, I would have sought new digs anyway.
In the garden of the archaeological museum
in Sanliurfa; lots of Hittite and even
neolithic stuff

Castle ruins in Harran; 7th-8th century, renovated several
times; the Mongols sacked Harran in the 13th century and
laid waste everything

The mound at the top of the old city, the oldest part, now a
huge dig, all fenced off

Of course, in this part of the world, there are mounds all over
the place; no indication of significance, whether they have
been excavated...

Just down from the old city mound are the ruins of the
Grand Mosque, the first mosque built in Anatolia, 7th
century; the tower is one of Turkey's few square minarets;
all destroyed by those nasty Mongols

A small subdivision of the "beehive" houses for which
Harran also is known; actually, they are a relatively recent
architectural innovation (relatively speaking) 

In Harran, they are not just museum pieces; they do stay
cool, however, even on a 95 degree day like this one

Dog vs. brick wall

Cat marvels at dog's stupidity

We ended up spending the night outside the Harran
Culture House; 10YTL and another interesting "camping"

Crescent Fertile and Cotton King

In the 1980s, the Turks began implementing a plan (GAP) to dam the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, both of which rise in Turkey's mountains, for hydro-electric power and irrigation. Some two dozen dams have been built, thousands of square miles flooded, and some cultural treasures lost; but some found, as we'll see in Gaziantep. It is impressive to compare an irrigated field, in these parts, with an non-irrigated field next to it. Undoubtedly there has been much new employment and economic gain. The fertile crescent, at least this northern-most part of it, is fertile once again. Cotton is everywhere. And so we cruised along through southern Turkey, not Louisiana nor Texarkana, still hoping to find a Shorty's or a Sonny's or a Bubba's or some other BBQ, Vicki singing "Oh when those cotton balls get rotten/You can't pick you very much cotton/In them old cotton fields back home." I was still crooning "I left my heart in Nemrut Dagi."
The Ataturk Dam, on the Euphrates, near where we spent
Sunday night, at a sort of lay-by; said to be the world's 4th

An irrigation canal in Harran

An irrigation channel and a green field of cotton behind it,
near Ackakale, on the Syrian border; everywhere, people
were out in the fields picking cotton

The roads were crammed with over-loaded trucks carrying
cotton to market

The highways themselves were cotton-lined as the stuff
blew out of the bags on the trucks; and there were gleaners,
apparently, picking up the loose stuff, re-bagging it, and
selling it on from highway stands with their own scales

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Sunday we drove on to explore a bit of the valley west of Nemrut Dagi, the ruins of the Commagene capital of Arsameia, the 2nd century Roman Cendere Bridge, and the Karakus tumulus. From there we drove on, past Narince, where a major surprise awaited us.

Little remains of the Commagene capital at Arsemaia; they allied themselves 
with the Parthians and not the Romans; big mistake; here, a stele at the city 
entrance, high on a hill

What does remain is fairly great, however: this relief where 
the  Commagene king (Antiochus?) is shaking hands with the
patron god of Heracles; one sees this image elsewhere in the 
period, and it is frightfully close to some sort of divine right 
of kings idea

And this incredible stele about the founding of the city

Late bloomer

Remains of a Hellenistic city


And, a few miles around the bend, the 2nd century Roman bridge over the 
Cendere River, a tributary of the Euphrates

Columns on the bridge

Karakus tumulus, across the valley from Nemrut Dagi; here the female royalty 
of the Commagenes were buried; the Romans plundered it for bridge-building 

Eagle column at Karakus

Other columns, Commagene

Reservoir of the Euphrates

So after seeing all these wonderful sites, we were driving along, making good time, 
but dropping down to the level of the reservoir, when we suddenly found ourselves 
in line to get on the ferry; in this part of Turkey, with the various dams and 
reservoirs and hydro-electric projects, lots of roads have been replaced by ferries; 
upon examination, I determined this ferry was too small and that the seamanship
was dubious (they off-loaded and loaded without ever tying up); we decided to 
back-track 50 miles and stay on dry terra firma

Which took us back through Adiyaman (Ithink) and this interesting view of Turkish 
rug cleaning