Thanksgiving Day for us was a pretty big travel day--the Baths at Alexandria Troas, Troy, and then the Hellespont. We are always mindful of how fortunate we are in being able to do all this. We stopped for the night in a parking lot of one of the huge World War I Gallipoli museums outside Eceabat. The Jandarma checked us out about bed-time, but didn't have anything to say.
Thanksgiving, 2010, was another memorable holiday. Away from home, family, and friends, again, but still memorable. In 2009, we were at Mt. St. Michel, feasting on French
dindin. In 2008, we were on Koh Samui, in the Gulf of Thailand, and our dinner was at the cooking school there I attended. No
dindin, but lots of other great stuff. We had hoped to find turkey in Turkey. It is called
hindi. Much of the lunch meat I have eaten here is jambon-flavored
hindi. But, despite a concentrated search, we found no turkey in Turkey and had to settle for roast chicken, albeit with the usual fixins, including Vicki's special lime bavarian (aka
green slime). We subsequently learned that turkey is the national dish in Turkey on New Year's Day, but that's beyond our scope.
Actually, we did find turkeys in Turkey, and briefly considered sacrificing one to the gods at the Red Hall in Pergamon; but concluded that would be too messy in the camper |
Vicki preparing Thanksgiving dinner in our little galley at Gallipoli |
Of course, we had Trojan wine to go with the roast chicken; it was, um, epic... |
A modest but memorable Thanksgiving dinner, 2010, in turkey-less Turkey |
We have much to be thankful for beside our travels. Daughter Rebecca and husband Jeremy, who were married last June, are expecting a baby girl in April. The prospective grand-parents are thrilled. And daughter Rachel became engaged to Will Sehestedt earlier this month, putting us way over the top in parental pride. They are planning an August wedding in Missoula.