Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sultanahmet Again

After Gallipoli, we turned back east and drove to within 50 miles or so of Istanbul, stopping at a beach-side lay-by. We had decided to spend our last few days in Turkey back in Istanbul, a city we enjoyed so much when we arrived here, to attend to a last few loose ends in sight-seeing, shopping, and eating. We drove into the big city about 9AM and were settled at our old campground on Kennedy Caddesi in Sultanahmet by 10. We spent the rest of the day at the Grand Bazaar, again, and in the neighborhoods surrounding it. We buy very little, but find these Turkish bazaars endlessly interesting.
There were only a few RVs at the "campground," a few Germans, a few French; 
as you can see in the background, the wind and sea were really kicking up at 
this point

Really kicking up

We thought about seeing the latest Harry Poppins movie, but, 
alas, it was dubbed in Turkish
In the bookstalls adjacent to the Grand Bazaar, a cat surveys 
the literary crowd; what do cats think about?
Beyazit Square and the entrance to Istanbul University

In the Square, what we dubbed the "old mens' market"

For example

Next afternoon, one of many BBQs going on along the sea-wall and in the park 
near us; Turks will grill just about anything, anytime

This one got out of hand: the old rail station, across the Golden Horn; it was 
gift of the Kaiser to the Sultan way back when...


Rebecca said...

Harry Poppins??? I hope that was on purpose! :)

Mark said...

Yes, I have been calling it that since Edinburgh. Hails of derisive laughter.