Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Met: Henry R. Luce Center For The Study of American Art

The Luce Center does for American art what the Greek and Roman Study Center does for classical art: it stores a lot of things not on permanent display, but in a mode accessible and well-cataloged and well-described. The Center is immense: the Met itself is immense because of its relative youth and situation in Central Park. Imagine, all the spare parts are under the same roof...

Helpful map
Some of the silver

Plates, bowls

Aisle after aisle of all these things

How to make a Tiffany lamp



More paintings...in the portraits division...note the screen whereby
you can identify pieces, read descriptions...


More paintings

Including a Mary Cassatt

A Benjamin West

Elliot portrait of Mathew Brady...1857...before he became
really famous

Glass...evidently I was overwhelmed, wandering aimlessly...

Another Bierstadt...


Chairs dept.

Overcome, we retreated to the roof-top cafe for a sunset view

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