Tuesday, August 20, 2024

London Scenes And Out-Takes, 3

More scenes from just walking around, sometimes to a destination of note, sometimes to a place we've visited before, sometimes just walking around...

Across from Parliament Square: people line up to take pix in front
of the red telephone box...without realizing the red boxes are everywhere,
all across the city, mostly empty...

Dock for the Uber hop-on/hop-off river cruise; we believe it may have
been the inspiration for the Cyber Truck

The colors of London--click to enlarge--the whole
city is color-coded

Probably taken on Portobello Road; probably taken
by Vicki

At Borough Market...something you'd definitely not see in Paris

The Shard...tallest building in the UK

In Borough Market...it has lost any pretense of being a market, IMHO,
and now is merely one of the world's largest and most diverse food courts

The line to buy an oyster for 3 pounds


No line to get a Dorset pigeon

19th century house rules

Sic transit, Gloria

Southwark Cathedral, former parish church

Great Fire monument

Leadenhall Market

Iconic view

In Primark, an Oxford Street discount department store,
at the other end of the scale from Harrod's or Selfridge's;
the caption is: don't bother to pack any clothes, just buy
a whole wardrobe at Primark when you get here and look 
like a native

Said to be on the site of the first YMCA

Phineas Fogg; fine gin and silk hats

Stimulating the local economy at Liberty of London

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Oh, the Liberty Store is a favorite!