Thursday, June 1, 2023

Saint-Denis Marché

It was our third visit to the now-suburb of Saint-Denis, the first two to see the famous cathedral--the first Gothic--and the royal necropolis there. This third visit was to see the market of Saint-Denis. We'd caught a glimpse in 2021, just as everything was closing, and made a note to come back. It is by far the largest complex of markets we have seen in the greater Paris area, much of it outside, and much of it in one of the largest indoor food markets we have seen anywhere. Quite a spectacle, especially on a weekend morning. The Metro ride was long and crowded and included the stop at the Puces of St. Ouen, so there were many bargain-hunters aboard.

In the large forecourt, mostly clothing and household

The giant food hall; about the size of a city train station

Now on the left side, still more clothing, accessories, household,

Padded girdle department; also bicycle pants?

Unusual underwear department

Vinyl table covers

Now the other long outside corridor

Paper towel department

Now inside the vast food hall, right aisle

Your guess is as good as mine; actually there was quite a bit of
nourriture we did not recognize

Spice store enclosed in plastic wrap; you do transactions through
the black hole; a COVID remnant? theft prevention? preservation of

Among the many seafood stands

Obligatory porky pix

Now in the central aisle; nave?

Among the olive stands

Ever more fish

I should have made a video...they were crawling all over each other

And on the left aisle

Immortality, €3 for 30g

No extra charge for head and neck

Sliced eel

International department; the whole market is pretty international

Veal tongue, anyone?

"Save the liver!" as Julia Child famously said

A whole wall of legumes

And back again outside in the forecourt, en route to the cathedral

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Oh, yum! What a gastronomic experience! Mystery meat might have been rabbits?