Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Orange, 2019

We visited Orange in 2012 (https://roadeveron.blogspot.com/2012/08/orange-roman-theatre.html and
https://roadeveron.blogspot.com/2012/08/orange-arch.html) but thought both the theater and arch worth another stop. Both are signifgicant vestiges of the Roman world, the theater possibly the largest extant and the arch the largest outside Rome itself.
Celebrating the many victories of the II Legion, whose veterans were given land

Us, there

Street scene

Scenes of the humongous theater

Peering through to the seats within
The main building facade is more than 100m wide

Adjacent forum

Non-Roman statue celebrating it all

I read enough French to get this and then look skyward for threatening clouds...

Memorable miniatures shoppe we visited in 2012

Any place he sat, spat...wait, no...

Ghost signage for former campground 

Love the "Hotellerie de plein air" thing

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Think I have a photo of Jason and Cara in front of that triple arch.