Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Seville Scenes, 2017, 1

We visited Seville in 2010 and again in 2013, with great satisfaction. Some few things in the world are worth visiting two or even three times. Seville is one of them, and we stayed four days all-told in 2017, seeing a few new things and mostly things we had enjoyed before. If we're lucky, we'll come back again some day. Previous blog posts on Seville are:

It was April Feria, and, of course

We had to observe the local dress code


Everybody do'in it, do'in ,do'in it

First day, just walking around mostly

Comparison shopping

Eating well

Shrimp and monkfish

Well-postered restaurant

Street scene

Moorish a restaurant...sic transit,

Kissing alleys

1 comment:

Tawana said...

So, have you found a dress for Miss P yet?