Saturday, April 8, 2017

Return To Middle California, Again, 2017

We were at Rebecca and Jeremy's less than two weeks: just enough time to get Le Sport out of storage, fit and rigged for camping (and back into storage), unpack, reorganize, pack for RVing in Europe, do medical and dental appointments, shop some, and spend some time with R, J, and P; and especially P. We were going to go camping, but heavy rains closed Big Basin State Park and we were forced to do our camping with P in the driveway.
She's become quite a reader, handling chapter
books now

No heavy rains in Oakland, so we went to Fairyland one more

Late March, all abloom

Now almost six, there's nothing she can't master
at Fairyland

Old favorite

New favorite; she must have done this for half an hour

Best of all, she was Mike the Magician's special assistant for
much of the show

Tasting curry ketchup; still the world's best
eater; not pictured but perhaps coming to
YouTube...bicycle riding without the training

Another embarquement photo, March, 2017

Rebecca compiled several over the years

Turning back east over the Pacific, 11 hours
from Frankfurt, and then Barcelona, and then

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Great post! Love that picture of her reading in the camper. :)