Sunday, November 7, 2010


We had planned on spending the night at the parking lot at Letoon, another Lycean/Hellenistic/Roman site, but that proved not feasible, and, rather than wandering around in the darkness looking for the beach, we halted at the nice MaxiWax gas station nearby...where you can not only wash but also wax your vehicle, free. Very nice, accommodating people. We filled up the next morning. The station was within range of three different mosques, so we got a nice early start on the day. With the days getting shorter and shorter, this is a
good thing.
Leto was another consort of Zeus, so to speak, who bore him
Apollo and Artemis; Hera, Zeus' "better half," didn't like this,
so she condemned Leto to a life of wandering, right here in
Lycia; she became the local patron goddess, apparently
replacing Cybele, the Mother Earth of previous aeons, and
Letoon is her shrine as well as religious center of Lycia;
pictured above is Leto's temple

Interior of Leto's temple; as you can see, they're doing a
bit of renovation here and there

Renovation parts

Three in a row: the temples of Apollo, Artemis, and Leto

Within the Temple of Apollo is a very nice mosaic of his
symbols, the lyre (music), the sun, and the bow and arrow
(OK, I took the picture upside-down)

Me playing the lyre

Really nice stuff in the spare parts yard



Really old olive tree nearby

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