Sunday, November 21, 2010

Above Ephesus

Saturday we left Pamukkale, where we had spent two nights in a parking area at the bottom of the terraces, and drove back to the vicinity of Selcuk and nearby Ephesus.
Detouring for a drive-by of the less-developed Laodikeia;
here, its pretty ruined theatre

And some other structures

We thought we'd drive up to the Meryemana,
the conjectured house of the Virgin Mary,
where she spent her last years, mainly to see
if overnight parking was possible; it wasn't,
so we drove back down the mountain a ways
and found a nice enough lay-by

Ephesus used to be a harbor city, until silting up, and
I wanted to get a view of the Aegean nearby; so I started
walking up the road, then turned off onto a forest service-
type road, then off onto a footpath leading to the top of
the ridge, wherefrom, I reasoned, I might be able to see
Ephesus and the sea; atop this ridge (Bulbul Dagi, Mt.
Coressos) run the ruins of a wall and towers, which I later
learned were Hellenistic

There's the sea, and you can also see the silted-up plain
that was once Ephesus' harbor (as I write, we're on the
beach there, at Pamucak)

So I hiked up to the wall and one of the towers

For a nice view of Selcuk

Its citadel, the Isa Bey Mosque, St. John's, and Garden

And Ephesus; its Odeon

Other structures

And theatre

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