Cordoba's Mezquita is one of the great buildings of the world--I was transfixed, sort of--so you'll have to bear through three or four posts to get it all. It is now the cathedral of Cordoba, but was, in the 7th century the cathderal of St. Vincent...Visigothic...then, from the 8th century, a great mosque...and from the 12th century or so onward, a cathedral again. There are probably Roman and Celtic remains on the site too. But the Moorish building, into which the Christians inserted a cathedral, is colossal and fascinating.
An exterior view of the great building and its enclosure
One of the many entrances
In the ablution courtyard, now an orangerie
Looking up at the tower
The tower
Tower closer-up; behind the bells you can see the 9th or 10th century red brick
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