Sunday, March 2, 2025

Scenes From Mus Mundi, 2

 More scenes from our Disney visits of 2025...

Vicki likes going to Pandora by night; I think they stole this scene
from Van Gogh

The only non-Disney art I saw at the Festival of the Arts

Seine scene

Florida sunsets are hard to beat

Real men wear Mickey ears

Curly-haired Penelope 

Back in Nepal


Snow flukes (anchors), in a shop en route to Mt. Everest...we used to
own some, and actually used one to rescue ourselves while snowmobiling
in Wyoming

What? No lion?! Oh my!

Unprofessional pic of professional

Back on safari

Rhino roadblock

Ostrich eggs...been there since November...

Out for a walk

Newborn otters

More Pandora


Unusual under-side view of speeding Monorail approaching
the Contemporary Resort

Fireworks from Contemporary Resort

Intergalactic hero

"To Infinity, and beyond...!"

Well, at least to 999,999...personal best...

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