We resume our regularly scheduled blog posting. It's been nice taking a month or so off: not much has occurred that is blog-worthy, and there is the usual worry about what do you do with a travel blog when you're not traveling. We are here, in Cary, NC, for the fall, winter, and early spring months, doing the death cleaning thing* and seeing our grand-daughter and her parents. Every day we do some serious walking and have even made a few more distant excursions, by bus, to the state capital and the state fair, both within 10 miles. And we spend considerable time going through our 70+ years of accumulated stuff, listing it on eBay or Craigs', boxing it for trips to the charity shops, or saving it for later. I also spend some time most days going back to posts people have visited the day before, making corrections, enlarging photos, embellishing with new snarky comments.
Back in August I promised pix of our apartment here. It is now presentable, at least with the understanding that it is part abode, part warehouse, part museum, and part studio. I suppose that could be said of any abode, particularly ours. But it is also all those things in the process of reducing 70+ years' accumulated stuff, particularly books, down to an order manageable for older persons--older persons who still want to spend most of their time traveling--and their descendants.
Our building in the Cary Greens apartment complex, near Cary Parkway and High House Road [Google Earth view in a previous post] |
Our apartment is on the ground floor, back side of the building, facing the little wood |
There's its ample screened-in porch |
Bedroom; a pleasant surprise was that our cherry Queen Anne furniture squeezed in pretty well [we are open to offers if you're into valuable OBF] |
Thus we were able to re-use much of the decor we'd saved from houses in Columbus, Dallas, and Missoula; serves also as media room; note brand-new TV; also view out to warehouse/studio/porch |
Bath; double sinks; one of the largest one-bedroom units we've seen |
And tub |
Grand Hall; Everest view (from above Namche Bazar) and prayer flags above the washer and dryer alcove |
Kitchen |
We 've lived in RVs much smaller than this... |
Living area; the T-shirt quilt covers a principal warehousing wall |
Study niche/music room |
Some of the steadily dwindling library |
Dining/study/office |
Living room view; note Czech art nouveau stained glass in window; the table is Vicki's sewing center/studio |
Now on the screened-in porch; note remains of Montana sign forest and new bistro chairs and table |
Also the two Diamondback bicycles, his and hers, rescued and now undergoing restoration |
More porch, atelier and art museum |
Oxides, c. 1991; more of my art works in later posts |
Pretty much every visible metallic surface is covered in magnets |
Cleverly concealed refrigerator; burglars would never find the vintage Costco poulet roti  | Our gardening now is pretty much limited to cilantro ("Cory Ann"), sweet basil ("Basil"), and Thai holy basil ("กะเพรา"); and some succulents Rachel gave us
*Swedish Death Cleaning; look it up; we are all dying...