Sunday, July 30, 2023

Chamonix Scenes, 2023

Chamonix is one of our favorite places, going back to the 80s. We've visited many times, done the Tour du Mont-Blanc, and also many of the day hikes in the region. Just enter Chamonix or Mont-Blanc in the search box and much will come up. We hadn't been back since 2013, and so, apart from a hike, we wanted to spend a couple days just walking the town to see what had changed in ten years. We were there four days overall, an administration day, a hiking day, a shopping day, and an inclement weather/planning  day. We stayed at Camping les Arroles, June 19th-22nd, in south Chamonix, not far from our old friend Ile des Barrats, chalets now instead of a campground. One wonders how much longer there will be any campgrounds in Chamonix.

View of the mountain from our campsite

It never got much better than this, due to the foehn winds and then the

Sculpture on a home nearby

We're no longer Amorino fans, but thought the gelato truck outside
the store was interesting

Restaurant not visited...but we thought the fruit floating
on coconut milk and ice cream sounded interesting

Among our favorite stores in Chamonix, always impressive French
kitchen stuff

Favorite Art Nouveau in Chamonix, the Rose du Pont

Pointing the way

Mssrs. Balmat et Paccard

Obligatory tourist train pix

Obligatory fondue, quite good this time

Stormy weather

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Ahhh, but the fondue is so good and so much fun to eat in that setting.