Thursday, March 16, 2023

Routeburn, 2023, Part Two

Continuing our 2023 Routeburn walk...

Now with some elevation, looking back to the river Dart, way in
the distance; the river in the foreground is the Routeburn itself

Gorgeously clear jade-green water

Cascading grasses; in rainier season, a waterfall

The Flats

And we've arrived at the Flats hut; time for lunch

The scenery

Google Lens thinks this is the Jungfrau or possibly something in
Nepal; I couldn't find it with any certainty on the map; nice glaciers
though [Momus?]

The hut wardens do their best to keep trampers
informed of the conditions, which can quickly
change...beware the Ides of March+1 and its
severe gales

We never did find out what this contraption is; possibly a trap for
orcs or Uruk-hai left over from the filming of LOTR; seriously,
the site of Isengard and Orthanc is in the valley below....

The usual manicured NZ trail

Looking across the Flats and into the canyon by which we'll descend

Us, there, then

The golden leaves of Lothlorien, which we visited in 2014

Lothlorien scenes filmed not far from here

Huge old trees and burls

Looking back on a great New Zealand walk

1 comment:

Tawana said...

The scenery there is magnificent!