November 21st was another outing, Rebecca driving us and Penelope to nearby Greensboro for shopping in antiques and books and records, downtown lunch at Crafted taco restaurant, and a visit to the Replacements, Ltd. complex. Vicki has been a Replacements customer for many years, Rebecca has become one, and I was curious enough to go along. Replacements, Ltd., for those not in the know, collects and sells fine housewares...dishes, crystal, silverware, figurines, artsy is the place to go ( if your Royal Doulton setting for twelve is missing an espresso cup. Or a teapot. It's also said to be the world's largest collection of said stuff. The complex is beyond stupendously large and interesting; so large as to have its own museum and guided tours. And the company is very employee-, community-, and environment-oriented, very high tech, and very proud of its relatively unique history. We spent a couple hours there and certainly would go back.
Most of us, there |
Moi, doing my thing |
In the showroom, a display of the 500 most popular patterns... |
Some corporate history |
The "new" warehouse is large enough to hold six football fields |
And there's Rebecca's Denby...part of the reason for the visit... not our first Denby experience |
Shipping department |
More of the expanse... |
Stemware |
Displays like this all over the complex, for both visitors and employees |
Display on fine china in movies, TV shows, etc. |
They also do restoration and repair |
Flatware |
More corporate history, in the museum and on the tour |
Among the curiosities... |
Among the bargain bins...not pictured: the huge Xmas store, the fine jewelry department, etc. |
Many displays on how the stuff is/was made... |
Ditto |
And, of course, you can buy the complete set if you're so inclined |
Moving right along, we are now in downtown Greensboro, looking at all the art deco |
And historic stuff...the Woolworth building, site of some of the earliest and most effective home of the International Civil Rights Center and Museum |
Alas, it was a cold, wet, blustery day, and we didn't get to see much; have to go back... |
At McKay's used books in Greensboro (a game aisle); among the reasons for the trip was selling some of our unwanted books and LPs here...the death cleaning continues |
Lastly, at the Antique Marketplace, viewing the scores of shops and booths; great trip! thanks, Rebecca! |