Friday, August 5, 2022


Our last beau village, July 3rd, was Gargilesse-Dampierre, and it was one of the best: setting, village age, beauty, and history, literary connections, and especially its parish church, which will take two posts to present. It had some of the best Romanesque capitals in this part of France (Berry), its crypt frescoes were truly stunning. But first, a bit of the town...

Winding our way up to Gargiless-Dampierre

Have to like a town that embeds flower pots in its ancient walls

The old chateau

The church, which was of greatest interest to us

Town scene

Solidarity with the people of Ukraine out here,
too--we've seen such signs all over France


Gargilesse is most famous for being the sometime residence of
George Sand (Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin), one of the 19th
century's most respected and prolific seemingly
unknown to English readers

An old dovecote in one of the towers

Yard sale just out of town


1 comment:

Tawana said...

Love your photos of the town, but especially of the "Drivin'" photo with the sunflowers!