Friday, December 31, 2021

Pinnacles Again, 2021

Other than a few California state parks, Pinnacles National Park is the closest big park with a campground, and it has become our go-to park from Menlo Park in the cooler months. (In warmer weather, there's Yosemite, if you can get in, and Pinecrest, in the national forest north of Yosemite; but both are at higher altitudes and doubtlessly covered in snow in December). Anyhow, we wanted to do one more camping trip with grand-daughter Penelope, who will turn eleven next April. It was one of our best with her.

Deer at our campsite

And a flock of wild turkeys

Documenting the wildlife

Practice climbing on some of the pinnacles (not us)

P doing some climbing on her own; Grandma looking on

Spelunking in the caves; she enjoyed it so much we
went back for a repeat the next day 

Trail humor

After dinners of hot dogs and then hamburgers (and s'mores),
the third night we dove deep into Vicki's Girl Scout camping
background to create hobo tin-foil packets...boeuf, pommes de
terre, les carottes...with enough salt and catsup, they were
fine, especially washed down, in my case, with a hobo-camp-level

Watching the deer again, on perhaps her last visit to Pinnacles
as a child

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