Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Washington, DC, 2021

We spent our customary couple of weeks+ with daughter Rachel and her husband Will in DC, mostly recovering from five months of travel, seeing a few old friends, conducting some business, getting our steps on walks about town, and seeing just one cultural institution [next post]. Much time was spent, too, migrating everything to my new Pixel phone (the camera on the old one died), and even more time migrating our "old" website to the "new Site," as mandated by Google. It is in fact much improved and updated, and features a carousel of "ussies" I really enjoyed compiling. The site currently is at https://sites.google.com/site/theroadgoeseveron/.

First photo taken with my new Pixel

Walking around downtown,
always looking for interesting
old buildings

Not the old world, but there still are plenty of buildings of interest

Outside the New York Avenue Presbyterian
Church, hitching post reserved for President
Lincoln, back in the day

Excellent signage in the nation's capital


The church in question

I've always been more of a Grant than Lincoln fan

Among the longer food truck lines I've seen; on the Mall

Pretty much any any open space in DC is now a campground:
homeless people; I counted about forty tents on this site on New
Jersey Ave, NW; porta-potties provided

Only in America

Rachel and Will took the Sehestedts and Sherouses to a Georgian
restaurant, Supra; despite the lack of Southern fried chicken, grits,
and sweet tea, we had a great sampling of the cuisine, which 
reminded me a bit of Ottoman cooking...

Rows of pointy houses in Rachel's neighborhood

At an underpass on M street, NE; never mind the hanging sculpture;
the tank obstacle barriers are there to clear out the dozens of tenters
that have been living there for several years...

No camping zone

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Wes doesn't like Lincoln either. He has never commented on Grant.